Bit of a Rut

I’m feeling like I’m in a bit of a rut.

I had a great week of runs early last week. Got up at 4am and did some solid runs in negative temps. I switched up a couple of runs later in the week, but still stayed on track with my schedule.

And then Sunday rolled around. And I just couldn’t get my butt out the door to do my 16-miler. It was cold, my legs were tired, I was tired, so I convinced myself that a day off would be good. I had Monday off, I reasoned. I would get the long run in just a day late. No big deal.

Yet here it is, almost noon on Monday, and I still haven’t done it. I don’t know what it is. I’m still excited about the marathon. I’m getting into my midweek runs, even with having to get up at absurdly early hours. For some reason, though, this 16 mile run is just messing with my head.

It’s COLD again here. I checked my phone (probably shouldn’t have), and it “felt like” -4 at 8 am this morning. So I ate breakfast, figured i’d head out at 10. Instead, though, my aunt and cousin came over, and I’ve been enjoying just sitting around with my family, eating kind of unhealthy food. Just being lazy. 

I don’t know what it is or where this post is going. I know I have to do the run. I’m afraid I’m gonna feel like crap because I slept like crap and didn’t eat great today so far. 

I think for me, being home messes with my workout and healthy eating plans. I know those are excuses, and I need to find a way to power past those excuses because I love being with my family, and I love being home. But yeah, for now, it’s just so much easier to run and eat mostly vegetables when I’m on my own, in my own apartment, just doing me. 

Hopefully this post will work to get my butt out the door later this afternoon. I’m hoping tomorrow morning that I’ll be able to share my excitement/relief that I got outside for a couple of hours to get through my long run. Maybe it’ll feel great. Maybe it’ll feel terrible, but maybe I’ll feel so much better when it’s done. Who knows. 

Any advice for me? What do you do when you’re just not feeling it?

14 thoughts on “Bit of a Rut

  1. I’m not a runner, but I can completely relate to the idea of going to your parents’ house throwing off your health/fitness game. I’ve been eating pretty well lately and actually fitting in a workout just about every day. Then I went “home” for the weekend and ended up eating foods I wish I hadn’t and not getting any kind of workout in. I’ve done well with the food part today so far, but I have a feeling the workout just won’t be happening.. it’s hard to get back on track after a weekend like that. Hope you’re feeling back to normal soon!

    • Yeah, it’s just hard to turn down that yummy food and the couch when it’s there! I did get my run in. Wasn’t great, but I at least felt accomplished when it was over. Thanks for making me feel like I’m not alone in this one!

  2. Holy moly do I know how you feel. The cold just zaps all the energy out of me and sometimes it’s SO hard to get out the door, especially if it’s for an early in the morning long run. The best advice I can give is just to keep it as low pressure as possible and remember how great it’s going to feel when you’re done. The feeling of accomplishment is always so awesome!

  3. I just started training for my first marathon and I signed up for a Runner’s World Challenge plan, which has a ‘Bart Blast’ from Bart Yasso every week. This morning it had this in it: “One missed long run won’t make or break your race; it’s the accumulation of fitness that you get over the entire training cycle that helps you reach your goals on race day.” Try not to be too hard on yourself, and sometimes your body just needs a moment to regroup!

    • Thanks, girl, I needed that positive energy. I did end up getting the run in. but I took it slow and just kind of let my body decide what felt right. It wasn’t my best run, but it was nice to just get it done. So exciting you’re training for your first marathon! Can’t wait to read more about your plans!

  4. I feel you. These repeated snowstorms have stolen my motivation as well 😦 For the most part, I’ve been sticking to my training plan (though rearranging my runs), but it feels like I’m going through the motions.
    Not sure if this helps – but my last marathon training had a couple of not too great weeks (and 2 missed 20-milers, one just because I didn’t feel like doing it), and everything turned out fine in the end. What matters is your quality of training over several months, not a few less than stellar, or missed workouts in 1 or 2 weeks. Your motivation will come back soon (as I hope mine will) 🙂

    • Thanks, girl. Definitely good to hear that one run won’t break me, even if I know it in my head. I did get out there for the run. Not my best, but I felt happy with myself that I got out the door and did the miles. I think even just doing it helped my motivation, so I’m optimistic that this week will be better!

  5. hannahwritesaboutstuff says:

    Rooting for you! Zap the excuses but don’t be too hard on yourself! Hope you got out and ran, even if it was just for a little bit 🙂

  6. Sometimes I’ll completely change it up. I’ll ditch my training plan for a day or two and go for a pilates or yoga class. I usually end up feeling mentally rested from training and then I’m ready to get back at it. But I really like what Lilly said that at the end of the day, one workout one break you. There’s a reason you train for X amount of months. Oh also, I like to run without a distance, time or speed in mind and just run for fun. Put on some good music and get in a groove. Then I’m reminded why I love it instead of why I have to do it. Good luck girl!

    • All such great ideas. Yoga is always a great place for me to go when I’m feeling just blah about running. And sometimes you totally do just need to go out and run just to run, with no pressure on time or distance. That’s always what I do for a few weeks after a training cycle. Thank you so much for the positive thoughts 🙂

  7. Oh girl, 4 am runs you are a rockstar seriously. Being away from home or out of routine definitely messes with my training mojo. I guess the biggest thing is try and hold routine as much as possible even when things like travel or days off change it.

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